The town of Enniskillen didn’t know what was about to hit it, when, last Sunday night “two elderly men” erected a vile and abusive image opposite a primary school-of all places. The image in question- TRIGGER WARNING- an unborn child!
Parents were spotted leaping in front of their children or gouging out their child’s eyes with a plastic forks, in a bid to prevent them from seeing this “explicit” and “antagonistic” image.
According to one expert parent recovering from seeing the poster: “in this shock and awe’ approach, there’s too much collateral damage”. Another parental expert explained “You just don’t know what will result. It could lead a great chat about when life begins, or a blinded child with a fork in his eye, living on benefits and sniffing glue- it’s just not a risk we should take in a free society”.
Fortunately, a local Alliance representative was able to soothe the situation by offering his condolences to anyone who has had been born. Well said Matt!
One dissenter present at the scene did point out: “I think a lot of children nowadays can cope with [this] quite easily. It’s the folks who want to promote abortion, who don’t want to talk about [such imagery] being a baby”. She has been reported to the authorities.
In the mean time the two old men are still on the loose brandishing goodness knows how many more scientifically accurate images of unborn babies we shouldn’t see. IF YOU SEE ONE – PLEASE CALL 0800 24 24 24 or text “prevent child blindness” to 827 293