Pro-Lifers gathered in their thousands for the annual March For Life last Saturday. Despite visiting speakers from as far afield as the abortion free state of Texas; it was the Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, who drew the attention of the world’s media.
Welby’s painted on smile and regal hand waving posture proved irresistible to the gathered press corp. However, the Archbishop remained resolutely silent on the matter of the more than 10 million babies killed by abortion in the UK since 1967.
The Archbishop was heavily criticized for lacking substance. One observer claimed “Welby had no back-bone.” Another noted that “On more than one occasion Welby seemed visibly shaken, as if blown by the wind of change. He simply lacked weight! He didn’t even speak!”
A pro-abortion protester alleged, “The primate of the entire Anglican Communion was being carried along by militant Pro-Lifers, who were using him to push their own anti-abortion agenda.” “Such monkey business should not be allowed!” the abortionist protester complained.