Huw’s A Winner!Cartoon Competition extended to 16 July 2021 in order to find runners up.


Huw Adamson, a committed Christian and a fine art student, in his final year at Lancaster University, has won The Abortionist Best Satirical Cartoon competition.

As a student Huw explores theological and philosophical themes within art. However, he also enjoys producing less serious work and the occasional cartoon in his spare time.

The judges really enjoyed Huw’s cartoon, finding it thought provoking and displaying a depth of wit and intellect.  The Abortionist is proud to be able to publish his work.

The Most Human Human by Huw Adamson

The Abortionist has not awarded a second or third prize in the Satirical Cartoon competition owing to the fact that Huw’s was work the only submission to the competition.

Editor, Amanda Stopheart, commented, “I believe that Huw’s excellent cartoon is a worthy winner and more than that, he has proved that ‘You’ve got to be in it – to win it!’ Or as another put it, ‘98% of success is turning up.’  Well done Huw! You’re a winner.  You’ll go far!”

Ms Stopheart added, “If any students out there thinks they can do as good a cartoon as Huw’s, submit your entry before 16 July 2021.  There is still a £300 second prize and a £150 third prize up for grabs.”

Huw Adamson has been pro-life for a long time, and looks forward to making a larger body of more serious pro life work after his degree.