
The Abortionist

Letter of the week: Moronic Pro-Lifers Ignore 125,000 Babies Safely Killed

Amanda Stopheart

Dear Editor.

Re: 28 September 2022: International Safe Abortion Day or ‘International Oxymoron Day’?

It has taken much effort, time and money to convince whole populations to consent to the brutal killing of their pre-born children in the name of Health and Safety and it is right that we should celebrate. Pro-Lifers should get with it, jettison outdated notions of the Right to Life and join the party.

I propose we also have an International Love Your Abortionist Day. It would be a smashing day out for Mum, Dad and the children (if there are any left) Ha Ha , just kidding ……..   

Sincerely yours,

Ida Kildamal
Death Valley, CA 92329, USA.

PS. Thank you for the dictionary definition of oxymoron; I thought an oxymoron was a person who believed that Purdue Pharma and the Sackler family were innocent of all blame for the opioid crisis caused by their drug Oxycontin.