Woke Christian couple Expresses Regret over Naming their son Muhammad
A Christian couple from Blackburn, England, has spoken out about their “deep regret” over naming their son Muhammad. “When we moved into the area four
A Christian couple from Blackburn, England, has spoken out about their “deep regret” over naming their son Muhammad. “When we moved into the area four
We have sent the Archbishop of Canterbury and all his Church of England Diocesan Bishops the sweetest Christmas present we could think of – Lambeth
In the Netflix biopic ‘BLONDE’ Marilyn Monroe is seen talking and writing poetry to her foetus as if it were an actual person. How dumb
The sight of the tiny head, hands, feet, fingers and toes of an aborted foetus floating, legs akimbo with outstretched arms, in bloody bathwater or
Ida Kildamal writes
What a cheek! Pro-Lifers across the globe have re-named International Safe Abortion Day calling it ‘International Oxymoron Day’. How can the Pro-Lifers have simply ignored
Listen up all you budding cooks and sign up for our competition: It has been shown that clumps of cells in people’s wombs have favourite
Oh Doctor I’m in trouble.I want you to kill my child.But every time an ultra sound is put on meThe baby’s heart goesBoomboody, boombooody, boomboody,
Hey! Listen up, folks. The Philosophy of Consent is supercool and a total game changer. You know how, to date, we have taken it for
A police sergeant seen laughing, as a small group of pro-abortion activists gathered in Parliament Square, may face disciplinary action according to an unnamed source.