Let’s Make Pro-Life Husbands Face ‘Marital Rape‘ Charges in India
Don’t you just love India’s Supreme Court?! Not only has the Supreme Court of India extended abortion rights to all women, declaring abortion a fundamental
Don’t you just love India’s Supreme Court?! Not only has the Supreme Court of India extended abortion rights to all women, declaring abortion a fundamental
Comrade Huq has been called an abortionist for her heroic campaign for up to 2 years jail time for Rosary wielding Christians who pray, within
What a cheek! Pro-Lifers across the globe have re-named International Safe Abortion Day calling it ‘International Oxymoron Day’. How can the Pro-Lifers have simply ignored
Listen up all you budding cooks and sign up for our competition: It has been shown that clumps of cells in people’s wombs have favourite
Oh Doctor I’m in trouble.I want you to kill my child.But every time an ultra sound is put on meThe baby’s heart goesBoomboody, boombooody, boomboody,
Hey! Listen up, folks. The Philosophy of Consent is supercool and a total game changer. You know how, to date, we have taken it for
Pro-Lifers gathered in their thousands for the annual March For Life last Saturday. Despite visiting speakers from as far afield as the abortion free state
A police sergeant seen laughing, as a small group of pro-abortion activists gathered in Parliament Square, may face disciplinary action according to an unnamed source.
Plans recently agreed by the BCP Council show blueprints to construct a huge chamber on the back of the Bournemouth Echo office on Richmond Hill.
Yes! It’s that time of the year again when the self-righteous pro-clumps of cells go on the march. Remember the old nursery rhyme: The grand